Recent content by KevinD

  1. K

    Unreliable Maintenance

    In the community I live in, whenever I need something to be fixed in my home, the maintenance people seem to take their time or do a lousy job. I've had someone out 5 times in the past year just for my central air unit alone. It's like they temporarily fix it, but won't spend the money to...
  2. K

    Seems like an eternity!

    My kids love Christmas, but I think they are a year or two too young to have that true desire for Christmas morning to arrive. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they are the one's waking us up that morning instead of the other way around.
  3. K

    Within the budget?

    I have a great idea! You two put all that extra money you have into a pot and help out someone like me who has over spent. :p I'm just joking. Good job on staying strong. A lot of people get reckless with all the "deals" they see.
  4. K

    New Xbox Live

    Those features are old news to me. I heard about it months ago and I think it is awesome. Cable is becoming obsolete to some who have all this access to these things to watch along with what you can get on the internet. I think the new Xbox Live look is great.
  5. K

    Ear piercing

    I have two daughters ages 3 and 4 that haven't had their ears pierced yet. My wife was catching some flack from a family member asking her why they aren't pierced already. We were just going to let them do it if they wanted to when they are teens. I guess we think different than most?
  6. K

    Conflict with the wife

    I see what you're saying Kost. I don't want them to get addicted, but I want them to enjoy things like that as I did when I grew up too. I'm not a pushover for them getting what they want, but sometimes I do let them get things they probably shouldn't have. I have a soft spot for my kids.
  7. K

    Paternity Tests on Maury

    I agree with you guys. If somehow I wasn't my daughters biological father, it would make no difference to me. They are already mine. I couldn't imagine anything changing or even letting them go for whatever reason.
  8. K

    Conflict with the wife

    My wife and I are having a bit of a conflict when it comes to nutrition of our children. She doesn't really want them to eat candy and sweets hardly ever, and I'm of the opinion of let them be kids. I don't want sweets to be their diet or anything, but I think they should be allowed to have...
  9. K

    Kid's getting great at something

    I've always heard stories of great athletes or musician's and other people becoming great at things that started at a very young age. My oldest daughter is going to be 5 years old and I was wondering if that is too young to get her in some kind of program or class where she could learn a trait...
  10. K

    Your own business

    I read an article about a guy who started his own business as a poop scooper for people's pets. He has a client list and he goes to each house on a schedule and picks up the poop. The crazy part is he claims to be making nearly a six figure income. I don't think I'd enjoy picking up dog poop...
  11. K

    Wrapping Presents

    My wife is really good at wrapping gifts. I don't know how in the world she gets them to come out perfect everytime. I wrapped something for my daughter and it looks like a tootsie roll with the ends twisted. I might need a wrapping class or something.
  12. K

    If money wasn't an issue

    Sometimes it's fun to dream if you won the lotto or found a way to become a millionare so what would you do if you didn't have to worry about your spending? I wouldn't really start buying a ton of ridiculous items like jewelry or expensive clothing, but I would induldge a little. My thing would...
  13. K


    I took the family rollerskating last weekend and I must say that I have gotten bad. I use to be an awesome rollerblader that could do tricks and dance skate, but I used regular rollerskates for the first time since I was a kid and I had so much trouble with even just my balance. I think if we go...
  14. K

    Homemade Pizza

    I have tried before with the Boboli pizza crust you can get at the store. For me, pizza is the one thing I prefer in a restaurant as opposed to homeade. I love the fast food pizza chains like Pizza Hut. To me, nothing else tastes as good.
  15. K

    Electricity usage

    We always look for ways to cut costs. When you look at all the extra money you spend on things you could've saved on and then compare it to how long it takes you to make that money at your job, it makes you think twice about spending so much.