Unreliable Maintenance


New Member
In the community I live in, whenever I need something to be fixed in my home, the maintenance people seem to take their time or do a lousy job. I've had someone out 5 times in the past year just for my central air unit alone. It's like they temporarily fix it, but won't spend the money to permanently take care of it. I've got a set of electrical outlets that aren't working and I'm still waiting on them to come out to take a look. I wish I could take care of these things myself.


New Member
Is it a house, condo or apartment? Either of the last two you should have options available in order to get speedy service rendered. I am not sure but maybe you have a home owners insurance that could help?


New Member
Maybe you could talk to people that you know who have had good experiences with repair people in your area. Word of mouth seems to be the best for finding good service.