Search results

  1. W

    Taking children to the theater

    Have you ever taken your children to see a play? I think this would be a great family activity. At what age do you think it is appropriate to try to introduce a child to the wonderful world of the theater? I want to take my 7-year-old son to the theater, but I can't seem to find any children's...
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    Artists your children like, but you hate

    Teenagers nowadays seem to have the strangest music taste. I mean, each decade has its own style and I'm fine with that, but I think today's musicians are really creepy. Take Lady Gaga, for example, I find her to be unfit to represent a role model for our children. Katy Perry as well. Are...
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    Mine and hers

    Wow! Four children at those ages must make the house quite noisy. I can understand what you must be going through. Have you tried hiring a nanny or taking the children to their grandparents during the weekends? That works for some of my friends who are in similar situations...
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    Homemade soups

    I really like noddle soup. My wife doesn't make soup too often, but when she does, she mostly alternates between noodle soup and fish soup, which is a favorite of hers. Our children are not very picky. While they are not fans of soup in general, they will eat mostly anything their mother cooks...
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    The waiting game

    I can completely sympathize. The last few weeks seemed like they were never going to end during my wife's first pregnancy. It's particularly terrible when she is sick. Fortunately, in my case, our second baby came sooner than expected and it didn't involve as many complications as the first.
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    Discouraging your kids' misbehavior

    Well, when ignoring their misbehavior just won't do, I try to use the reward approach. I use the punishment approach only if they are being really naughty or when they do something really bad. Talking to them and asking them the reasons for their misbehavior might help - at least that's what the...
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    Hard to start a new relationship?

    Generally, it is quite difficult to start dating again immediately after a divorce. However, I think it also depends on the type of relationship you and your ex-wife had, and whether the divorce was consensual or not. I have a friend who divorced after ten years of marriage, and it took him...
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    Bounce U is great for single dads

    This is the first time I heard about Bounce U. I too would like to know whether it is a nationwide program. It sound interesting. Do they have a website where people can find out more about their services?
  9. W

    Reading more and watching less television

    Well, to be honest, my kids prefer watching TV and surfing the web, but I do my best to encourage them to read as often as possible. I've purchased them e-book readers and I'm looking for good books suitable for their age on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
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    Jobs/Gates movie

    I can totally see a big budget Hollywood movie about Gates and Jobs coming in the next few years. It's still a mystery for me how come they haven't done one yet. I mean, they do a movie about Mark What's-his-name and his dorky website Facebook, but they ignore the founders of the computer era ...
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    Psychic shop

    I don't believe in psychics and I've never been to one, not even to those in amusement parks. I'm not saying there are no such thing as supernatural powers and energies - there might be -, but anyone who can have the power to read the future can probably earn a living doing a lot more than being...
  12. W

    What did you watch to prepare?

    To be honest, I didn't prepare by watching something in particular. In fact, I doubt there are any movies or documentaries about what fathers feel while their wives are expecting. The only thing I can think of is the Arnold Schwarzenegger comedy, Junior, but that's only to get rid of the stress...
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    Project getting bigger and bigger!

    It can get quite frustrating to see so many unexpected things turning up. It's been some time since I set up my children's bedrooms, but I recall it being somewhat the same. 4 or 5 hours? I needed a lot more time...
  14. W

    Which trimester stressed you out the most?

    First-time fathers feel particularly stressed out during the third trimester, when the partner's belly gets big and the baby starts to kick once in a while. This was my case. Others feel nervous during the first trimester, and calm down during the next months, when the thought of becoming a...
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    Height increasing supplements

    Have you ever tried height increasing supplements, or have you ever thought about giving your children any? My nephew is 13, and he's the shortest in his class. His dad found this natural product called Helpo Growth online and, after asking for the doctor's opinion and finding out it is...
  16. W

    What are the chances of having triplets?

    I know there are several artificial ways to genetically modify the inseminated egg in order to have triplets, but I was wondering - what are the chances of having triplets from regular intercourse? Do you know anyone who had triplets? I think I would feel overwhelmed with three babies coming at...
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    Pica (craving during pregnancy)

    For those that didn't know, "pica" is the term that defines a craving for non-nutritive substances, which some women have during pregnancy. My wife didn't show any craving for anything other than food, but I've heard that some of my friends' partners had an appetite for paper and bark...
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    Did you have any idea...

    I know what you mean. My wife and I ran out of space pretty quickly with out twins. We envied people with large houses at the time. Now, that the kids are a little older, we can finally afford to extend our home and build a couple of more rooms.
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    Peirce or tat?

    I'm not a fan of tattoos and piercings either. I don't have any and I wouldn't like my children to have any. I suppose you can tell them that tattoos and piercings are choices that some people make after they become grown-ups because they want to express their individuality.
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    Trading off holidays is just what my friend does too. Usually, he prefers to take Halloween and Christmas, and leave Thanksgiving, Easter etc. to the mother. Another option is to draw lots to see what holidays the children spend with each parent. Of course, the children have the final saying, if...