Search results

  1. M

    Dog going stir crazy

    We've had some nasty winter weather. The roads have been like a sheet of ice for the past 5 days and we've been house bound. Our cat is quite content to lay by the wood stove but the dog needs some action!
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    I have to get serious

    I have been home the last week and it has been great to relax with the family. I dread the post holiday stress I know I will face. I have to get serious about stress management.
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    Returning veterans

    I wonder how all the returning veterans from Iraq are going to do trying to find jobs in this economy. I wonder how other people are going to feel about them having priority for hiring.
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    Parents who object to vaccinating their kids

    I am sort of amazed by parents who object to vaccinating their kids. I'm not really sure what all the paranoia is about. What do you think?
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    We have been considering investing in a Wii system for our family. Cabin fever can really set in where we live. Any experience with one?
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    Save and invest for your retirement?

    Pensions may be a thing of the past. Do you make an effort to save and invest for your retirement? If you do, what is your strategy for doing this?
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    They grow up so quickly!

    It seems like yesterday when my kids were babies, and now the oldest is a freshman in high school already and is starting to think about a career! I can't believe it!
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    I'm concerned

    I was offered a promotion but it really extends my commute as I would have to work in another location. I'm concerned about the extra time away from home and the additional expense for gas. What would you do?