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    What would it be?

    If you could ask your family to offer you some support on one thing, what would it be? I think for me it would be to get rid of all junk food from the house.
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    Renting out room

    We have a spare room and we have had a couple of different boarders here over the past couple of years. It would have been better for all if we had a little detached apartment to offer.
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    wow food market!

    The cost of gas brings up the cost of everything else. To think that the oil companies pay virtually NO taxes and they make the biggest profits of anybody. Don't get me started.
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    I think there are more people around who need to be concerned about sugar intake than who probably realize it. I include myself in this category.
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    Any advice to share?

    What have you found to be the best part of being a stay at home parent? What have you found to be the down side of being a stay at home parent? Any advice to share?
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    Spring Cleaning

    We go room by room and dust and wash anything that needs washing, move all the furniture and shampoo rugs, and oil down all our woodwork and wood furniture. We start now so we are ready to move outside when Spring arrives.
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    When Do You Know?

    I really have no idea. I've been married to my spouse almost 30 years and it feels like we're just getting to the "the good part" now. We have never had enough time together.
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    Election season

    Election season is off and running. Can you believe that Iowa will be holding its caucus next week to decide who the GOP candidate for president will be?
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    Treating each other different

    I think that it is kind of natural to behave differently toward others when we are one on one versus when we are in a more social situation. I wouldn't be too concerned about it.
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    are you kidding?

    There have been times when the stress level has been really high, then I have a chance to relax, then I get sick. Stress can really affect your resistance. Maybe that is what is going on?
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    Anniversary Gift for the Wife

    I get my wife a red rose for each year that we are married and a lovely card. On the "big" years like our fifth or tenth anniversary I got her a special piece of jewelry.
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    Is that any big deal to you?

    If Congress fails to pass a continuation of the payroll tax cuts put into place a year ago middle class people would have to pay another $1500 in taxes next year. Is that any big deal to you?
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    How you knew your family was complete

    We are pretty sure our family is not complete. We have always thought in terms of four children and right now we only have two. Two is a handful for now.
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    no extra schooling

    I think education is one of the best possible investments a person can make. There is financial aid out there. I think more people qualify for it than most people would realize.
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    Too much time online

    What makes you think that you are spending too much time online? Is it the headaches or a sense that you should be doing something else? Maybe you can work at intervals?