
New Member
I am amazed that we are in 2012 now and the first month is even already half over. Many people believe that it maybe the last year for humankind, but I don't. What about you guys?


Staff member
Would be a shame if it was. But if I thought it was, I would not have put my son through his surgery last week. So if it does end, I will be very upset.


New Member
I don't think that it will be the end of mankind, but I do think it may be the starting point of some big changes to come.


New Member
That was a fascinating documentary on the History Channel, but I don't think it signals the end of anything. From what I remember, the Mayan calendar could be interpreted as 2012 being the end, or simply the beginning of a new cycle. I'm going with the latter.


New Member
It's just silly that humans even bother to entertain such ridiculous notions of armageddon. When December 21st, 2012 comes and goes, the dummies will just pick a new date to get worked up about.


New Member
I don't think that it will be the end of mankind, but I do think it may be the starting point of some big changes to come.
I agree with this philosophy. I don't necessarily think the changes will be for the good either. I do think something catastrophic may happen this year, but then again we've seen a lot of catastrophes in recent years with earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, riots in other countries, etc.


New Member
No one knows when the end of the world will come. As a Christian, I believe in the hereafter, but God has not given a date or a time. He's certainly not on man's schedule.


New Member
It will be a new beginning, the earth has cleansed it's self countless of times.

It's not how we fall which defines us but how we rise after falling