25 Most anticipated movies of 2012


Staff member
With the few threads about movie sequels here, I thought some of you may find this interesting. Not many new ideas from Hollywood it seems.

IMDb: 25 Most anticipated movies of 2012 - a list by Ryan Pinto
The Avengers
The Dark Knight Rises
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Amazing Spider-Man
Indiana Jones 5 (Always loved this series)
Die Hard 5
Bond 23
Bad Boys 3
The Expendables 2
The Wolverine
Clash of the Titans 2
Hitman 2
Man of Steel
G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation
Men in Black III
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
World War Z
The Bourne Legacy
Battleship (based off of the board game!)
Untitled Star Trek Sequel
Mass Effect
Underworld: Awakening
I, Robot 2
Resident Evil: Retribution


New Member
Thanks for the long list. I love The Lord of The Ring movies and I think The Hobbit would be worth to see, considering that it's directed by the same director and based on the book of the same author.


New Member
Wow, that's a great list, thank for sharing. I think I will watch The Wolverine. He is the same Wolverine as you can find in the X-Men movies, right? He is my favorite character in the movies.


New Member
Has Hollywood run out of ideas for new movies? It seems all they can do is come up with re-makes, sequels, or just rehash plots that are already out there. That being said, I plan to see at least half of the movies on that list! :D I never said I didn't like them.


New Member
Nice list! I did not even know 1/2 of these existed, I guess that shows how much I keep up on the current movies. I will need to weed through this with the lady of the house to see what we need to put on our to see list.


New Member
With delays, I think we will be lucky to see half of what is on the list in 2012. I have to say that it does seem like a nice line up however, especially for comic and videogame fans.


New Member
Bond 23 will be the latest James Bond movie, right? It's in our must-see list already. I read that it will be released in November 2012, and will start Daniel Craig, again.