A job and better grades...who knew.


New Member
My son has been itching to get a job. But, his grades have been average at best so we have told him to just enjoy being unemployed while he could. Well, when he turned 16, he went out and got a job at a fast food place. My wife was worried his grades would suffer even more. But, we got his quarter grades and he's maintained and even gone up in a few classes.

Have your kids ever become more focused when they took on more responsibility? My wife and I are so happy right now.


New Member
Awesome... maybe it's the responsibility that he is learning because of his job. I bet he knows that if his grades drop, you will make him quit his job. He probably loves the money so he is making sure that he keeps his grades up!


New Member
That's pretty amazing. I think this guy needs a high five. What a wonderful accomplishment! I would be very proud to call him my son :)


New Member
I know from experience how bad it could get. I am glad it worked for your kid. Ours had to be reigned in because he was focusing too much on making money to get a car and his grades suffered. He had another thing coming. We promised him he was going to walk until he was an old man if he didn't get his grades in order. We even made him take the bus a few weeks, and he changed his attitude quite fast. He was able to then get a job and maintain his great. It is challenging to teach them the right balance, but someone has got to do it.


New Member
Great story Pokerdad. Congratulations to you and him. It isn't every father who can acknowledge his child as an individual and encourage them to do what they need to. For your son the job is what he needs and I am sure he is going to be successful in his future.


New Member
Our 15 year old daughter just got a job at a local restaurant and we worry about the same things. I can only hope she has a good a time as your son.


New Member
That's great! Neither of our daughter's have a job at this point. We have been pushing our oldest to get one, but she hasn't just yet. Both of our daughter's grades are all A's, and the occasional B.