ADHD child and behavior


New Member
My son was diagnosed with ADHD, a while back. He is on meds, but some days you can not even tell. Is there anyone here in this situation? It just seems like my son is a firecracker, and can never slow down. He also has a problem knowing how to lower his voice. No matter how many times we tell him he is screaming instead of talking, he never quietens down. He has had numerous hearing tests, so it is not his hearing.


New Member
I think it's a matter of finding the right meds or right combination of meds, which can take some time. They're not "one size fits all". It's also highly important to develop and establish routines that make him feel safe and respected.


New Member
I've read several comments on other forums made by parents who are dealing with the same raised voice issue. I don't understand why doctors aren't telling patients how prevalent this symptom seems to be. I'm sorry that your family had to deal with so many hearing tests. By the way, it doesn't seem to be related to age and ADHD. Someone commented that their husband has ADHD and constantly talks very loud.


New Member
I do not have a child with ADHD but my live in nephew who is 12 does. He has similar issues where some days he seems to be normal and then out of nowhere he can show signs. I would get him into special programs once he is in school (if he isn't already) usually the schools offer the services for free because in some cases children with ADHD have learning disabilities and if they are in a normal classroom setting they will not retain any information and face failing the classes. Most teachers now days wont even suggest special programs which is sad. I wish you luck and if you have anything else to ask just let me know and I'll try to set you up with some resources.


New Member
Our son has high functioning autism. It isn't ADHD, but I do understand how frustrating it is to have to repeat yourself over and over and still not modify the behaviors. Hang in there, I hear it gets better eventually.


New Member
My nephew actually outgrew this if you listen to what his doctor says. He is 25 now and I am shocked at how far he has come. How old is your little one right now?