Another shooting...Sikh temple


New Member
That is just sad! When will people learn that nothing comes from violence and random acts like this? It does not make them a better person or to raise any type of real awareness other than they are horrid people and have no thought of what life is really valued at.


New Member
Our church group just got back from visiting various churches in California. They visited and were so well treated by the Sikh temple people there. We're good old-fashioned Baptists, but the experience is so worthwhile for all our young people. Those who went have a totally different vantage point about the Sikhs now than they did a month ago. It is like losing friends in a way. It's so senseless.


New Member
I believe now they have determined that it was only one shooter, and he was known to be unstable and a white supremacist. I feel horrible for the victims and their families.


New Member
Very sad indeed! What is this world coming to? I'm a firm believer in our rights to bear arms but all of these shootings is making me rethink this. It was just 1 shooter! That is still pretty sad.


New Member
We can't let the actions of a few prevent law-abiding citizens from being able to protect themselves and their families. If someone wants to take out a whole bunch of people they will, and it doesn't have to be with a firearm. Take a look at what happened to Australia when they instituted a total gun ban.