Awkward Situations: Courtesy of Having a Teen Daughter


New Member
Have you ever had any embarrassing situations come up that you had to go through with your preteen or teen daughter? I'm talking shopping for bras, getting tampons, discussing the birds and the bees, etc.

What happened, and how did you handle it?


New Member
My daughters aren't that old yet, but boy does that sound fun. ;) We have started naming body parts, though, because we don't want the birds and bees to be one talk, but an ongoing conversation as they grow up. I've gotten over my discomfort saying things like "vulva".


Staff member
I'm not looking forward to it, but understand if I have to, I will. All part of being a father.


New Member
I'm really not looking forward to this stuff. I'll probably stand back and let my wife handle most of it. I know I should get with the times, but I'm kind of old fashioned like that.


New Member
I can relate. I have a 14 year old and she is showing interest in sensitive topics like sex. My wife already talked to her about his but we're thinking that I should also talk to her, too so she can have both our perspectives. It would be awkward but it's something we parents have to do :)