Babies at the Movies


New Member
Our local movie theater allows you to take children under a certain age to a movie with you for free, ignoring age ratings. I think it's something like under 12 months old, they can be at more mature movies-though I presume there is a limit.

What do you think about this? It gets mom and dad out, but could it impact the kid?


New Member
It seems a bit weird to me. I can understand them being free and allowed into younger films, but not to the more grown up ones. No matter how much they understand I wouldn't do it anyway.


New Member
I personally wouldn't want to bring a young child into an adult-oriented film. I think if parents want to see those kinds of movies then they should find a babysitter for the evening.


New Member
What is the point of taking the kids into an adult oriented movie? Either they understand the story or not, it wouldn't do any good for them.


New Member
I'm going to go from a different angle here, I don't want to pay $13 a ticket and a ton more for the goodies are hear babies crying. I don't think you should take babies to a movie. I never really thought about it hurting them.


New Member
Maxsdad-these are generally afternoon showings that are specifically for parents. If others are there getting annoyed it's kind of their own problem as these showings are advertised as being for parents.

Still-I don't agree with the practice, even though I know it is good for the parents to get out of the house.


New Member
I suppose that makes a little more sense, but really, I wouldn't do it. It's far better to leave little one at home, comfortable and not having to put up with the loud noises often involved in many movies.


New Member
Honestly, I would rather my kids not see anything they don't have to of the adult world until they are old enough to deal with it. Little ones may not exactly know what they are seeing but I think it affects them to a certain extent.

Jerry F

New Member
I agree SeaUrchin. I don't like exposing children to things that may not be appropriate even though you think they wouldn't understand. Who knows what goes on in those little brains? They may retain things we have no idea they would retain.


Staff member
I would not take a child under a year to the movies. That is just my personal choice. The loud noises would not be good. As far as older, I would take them to PG movies. But I would wait until they are in the double digits for other things.