Beating her with a belt


New Member
Did you hear about the 23 year old young lady who published a video of her dad, who is a judge, beating her with a belt when she was 16?? Stunning.


New Member
It's just sad. The father seems to be in denial that he did anything wrong. We don't know the whole story but for him to come out and say she's doing this because she'll lose her Mercedes is a bit twisted. If things were not so bad, she would never have videotaped it.


New Member
What I heard when he made a statement is that he thinks the abuse wasn't that bad. It's ridiculous. There is no reason to beat a child, or teenager, with a belt. These people want to abuse their kids without realizing that technology is not on their side anymore. Good!


New Member
I heard they were doing nothing about it - I mean I can't imagine they could do anything about it, it's been so long! I don't know how he can be a judge and preside over Child abuse cases and know that he was an abuser as well.


New Member
I think he'll be removed from the bench even though it happened so long ago that they can't prosecute. He won't have any respect and that will reflect badly on the court so they'll can him. He just needs to retire and slink away.


New Member
In our state, after initial appointment, judges have to be elected. If that's the case where he is, I don't see how he stands a chance to stay on the bench.


New Member
Yes, I believe he will be removed from the bench. He is not eligible for being a judge anymore. However, I just read the news that the judge will not be charged with a crime because the Statute of Limitations have passed.


New Member
If doesn't lose his job, is there a way that those involved in a case can contest him as their judge? I imagine that would happen often with child abuse cases.


New Member
In our state, a person has one chance to request a different judge, so I would imagine it is similar in other states. If that happens enough, the state will realize they have a problem judge.

the matrix

New Member
I could not sit through watching the video. I think that any parent that just because they provide for their child the good things in life, it gives them the right to abuse them physically and mentally. You wonder if this type of punishment is really meant to discipline them or just to vent their anger. It just makes me mad.