Bilingual Children

the matrix

New Member
I was wondering if anyone here has been attempting to raise your children to speak more than one language and have you had issues.

I have a son that is learning both English and Korean. My wife is Korean so she speaks to him only in Korean, and I speak to him in English and what little Korean I know. He's almost ten now and he's been learning Korean since he was born. What I have noticed that his ability to speak Korean is started to deteriorate as he gets older. It's obvious that he is speaking more English than Korean but I am trying to figure out options so that he doesn't lose it.


New Member
It stands to reason that he'll excel at the language he hears most. I am guessing he uses English at school - so there you go. Are there Korean speaking kids around he can spend time with?

the matrix

New Member
Some of his friends speak Korean also. The problem is they would start off speaking Korean then flip into speaking English. We tried making them speak only in Korean but obviously that didn't work. We are considering the option of having him spend the summer in Korea with his grandparents. I think that may help.