Biological Father


New Member
As a father, if you adopted your wifes child and the child called you dad and that's exactly what you were to them, would you be hurt if the child grew up and wanted to meet their biological father in their 20's, even though you were there since early childhood as the adopting father and husband to their mother?


New Member
I have never been in such a situation, but if I were, I think I would have no issue letting him find his biological father. I think kids deserve to meet their bio parents.


New Member
I would have no issue with it either. Both the child and the father would have the right to meet. I believe they would be grateful for your favor to let them meet.


New Member
I don't think that the adoptive father should feel hurt. She obviously wants to know where she comes from - it's a natural curiosity. It doesn't mean she loves her adoptive father any less. There is no limit to the number of loved ones a person can have.


Staff member
I would not. My daughter I adopted on her third birthday. I have no plans on hiding that she is adopted, but I am her father. If she wants to search for her sperm donor, she is welcome to. The only time I heard from him was when I adopted her, and he went in front of the Judge to consent to the adoption. He has no interest. But I could understand her wanting to know. I would if I was in her shoes. If nothing else then to get a family history.


New Member
I don't think it should be a problem. If I were in such a situation, I would let my adopted child meet her biological father. Though, I would first find out about who and how he is.


New Member
My siblings (older) were adopted by my father, one was okay with it and the other was not (the oldest, so she opted out). They both knew they father but they always called mine Dad. If they want to meet them yes, when they are 18 (I am stubborn).


New Member
This happens with adoption. Kids are curious about their birth parents. It does not mean that the child loves his parents any less. It's no different than a situation where both parents adopt a child together.