Brewing beer


New Member
I brew beer for a hobby. In fact it was my in-laws that got me my first kit. With the kids getting older I'm wondering if I should stop.


New Member
I don't think you should stop. You just need to set clear ground rules and educate them. Honestly, I think education is the best way to prevent bad behavior. Something they never see they are more likely to get in to trouble with.


New Member
Thanks, I think that's what I'll do. Now I'll just have to think of a way to put a filter on their mouths. It's not illegal or immoral but it's not quite what I have in mind if people ask them what their daddy does.


Staff member
I've been home brewing for a while. I see no need to stop. I would keep a close eye on things though. I think if you do not demonize it, they will be less likely to be tempted. I know other home brewers who taught their children from an early age about it, did not hide it or try and demonize it, without letting them drink it, and the kids did not get into their "stash".