Buddy going through a rough time


New Member
I have a buddy at work who caught his wife cheating and is now going through a difficult divorce. He really loved her and is just shattered. I have never been divorced so I can't say I know what you are going through. Any advice?


New Member
My ex wasn't cheating on me, but it was a rough divorce regardless. My advice is to make sure he is getting out and about and making an effort to get on with his life. Get him out to happy hour once a week, maybe hit the golf course or something with him on the weekend. The worst thing for him is to sit around dwelling on it.


New Member
Just be there for him - it's a tough time that is for sure but letting him know that you are there should help him. Did they have any kids? Sometimes spending time with the kids helps a lot too.


New Member
A friend of mine from high school that I still keep in touch with is going through the same thing. I do not get it, he is smart, funny and has an amazing job - there is no reason for his wife to have cheated, she has to be pretty dumb. Seems like being dumb is almost contagious these days.


New Member
Be there for him when he wants to talk. Maybe drop by and take him out to dinner or for a beer or something. I think the main thing is just letting him know you care and want to help if you can.