Buying The Groceries


New Member
I hate the supermarket. That being said, my wife usually goes because she doesn't mind. However, she sends me occasionally with a list and nothing I bring back is ever right. Should I stop going?


New Member
You don't like the supermarket?! I LOVE the supermarket. That is the only kind of shopping that I actually enjoy and look forward to. As weird as this sounds, I actually think it is sort of fun!
KrazyRon, why don't both of you go shopping together? That way you get some "alone time", and your wife can get whatever she wants.


New Member
I am with Pops. I enjoy grocery shopping. I draw the line at putting it away that is the wife's territory. It is one of those places where I feel relax. Of course, I usually go at times when there is very little people. I love that the supermarket I go to is open almost 24 hours a day.


New Member
The problem with shopping lists is that people write them for themselves. So she knows what 'milk' means, the size, type, brand etc. Of course when you see milk you just pick up...well milk. :)


Staff member
I used to drink 1% milk, then the wife wanted whole milk. So after a few months she got me in the habit of buying whole milk. Now she says we need to switch back to 1%. So guess who still brings back whole milk. Your not the only one making mistakes.

The wife loves to grocery shop. She saves more money then me as she is checking sizes to prices. I just tend to go with store brand unless something else is on sale. So my shopping is done within a half hour, hers is an hour at least.

I only get sent to pick up last minute items, except for now as she cannot do much.


New Member
My wife also likes doing the grocery shopping. She likes to wander up and down each isle looking for good deals. I on the other hand, like having a list and knocking those things off the list and getting in and out as quickly as possible. That's why my wife doesn't like me going with her to the grocery store.