Can counseling save them?


New Member
I have a friend who is thinking about getting divorced and I'm trying to convince him and his wife to go to counseling and see if they can work things out. Do you think it will help? How can I prove to them that it's worth it?


New Member
Well, it will either help them to stay together or help them to finally decide they can't make it work. Counseling is a good idea to really get some of the hidden problems out in the open and talk them through. I can help to separate amicably too, so that's good.


New Member
They have to want to go and they have to want to work hard to stay together in order for it to work. And even then sometimes it doesn't work. I do think you're doing the right thing by encouraging them to go though.


New Member
Maybe because someone like you thinks it could work and that it is worth it to try will cause them to consider that it could work and that it's worth it. Good on you.


New Member
Well, counseling has saved a few of my relatives' marriages, so I must admit that it can be effective... but not every time. How can you prove to them that it is worthy? Simple: make them an appointment, pay for the counseling sessions yourself and tell them they've got nothing to lose.


New Member
Well, it can help them but only if it's what they want. If people aren't willing to change then counseling could just cause more problems than anything out. I know it sucks, but if they're not wanting to fix it, then it just isn't meant to be.