Can your kids 'catch' your stress?


New Member
I just read this interesting article on Yahoo! about the effects of stress on children. It seems that, according to some studies, children are picking up on their parents anxiety and stress, and it's affecting them, physically and emotionally. Our kids can feel when something is wrong with us, despite our attempts to tell them that everything is fine.

What do you think about this? :confused:


New Member
The voice can tell a person whether he or she is upset. And when kids know about this then they would feel uneasy as well for they don't want their parents to get upset.


New Member
Kids just like pets can catch on things like this which is why we try to not argue or raise our voices when either are around. Who knows what the repercussions could be?


New Member
Kids are very perceptive. Even if you are careful not to discuss things in front of them, they still know there is something going on. I remember as a kid I used to worry about my parent's finances all the time even even though they never said anything to me directly about being broke.


New Member
Kids just like pets can catch on things like this which is why we try to not argue or raise our voices when either are around. Who knows what the repercussions could be?
That's exactly what I was thinking. Kids have a sixth sense like animals and they know when something is going on even if you don't tell them. I think my daughter definitely picks up on it when I am agitated, but thankfully there isn't that much stress and tension in our house.


New Member
Of course they can catch our stress, and our bad moods too. I was miserable yesterday when I got home from work. My daughter asked me a question and I was like - No! Then she became miserable too.


New Member
I agree, our stress and anxiety are easily picked up by our kids. I am trying to spend less time worrying and more time enjoying my kids, so they will enjoy me more. Not doing a great job at it, but at least I am trying.


New Member
Of course they can catch our stress, and our bad moods too. I was miserable yesterday when I got home from work. My daughter asked me a question and I was like - No! Then she became miserable too.
But that is different though. Your tone and the way you answered her question are what seemed to make her miserable. Maybe I'm just different, but as a child I wasn't good at reading my parents or body language. I just understood when they were mad, because they raised their voice. I can tell when something is wrong with anyone now, but I didn't have that as a child.