Carpal tunnel


New Member
My wrists have been bothering me lately and I'm wondering if this could be the start of carpal tunnel syndrome. Has anyone ever had it before? Is there a way to make it go away? Does wrist pain automatically mean it's carpal tunnel?


New Member
No, wrist pain could mean lots of things. Still if it is carpel tunnel it can become very painful. Do you do any repetitive motions?


New Member
Wrist pain doesn't necessarily mean Carpal Tunnel. I believe that Carpal is more of a strange feeling in the wrists than a pain. I've heard it's almost like your wrist has fallen asleep but also a slight pain.


New Member
As much as I type I am surprised I do not have it yet but I may have a slight case of arthritis kicking in. I should put that on my next to do list since I have already had my fill of insurance and offices this week.