Causes Of Divorce


New Member
With the divorce rate so high, I can't help but wonder why so many marriages are not working. Does anyone have any ideas? What caused your divorce, if you don't mind telling us?


New Member
My ex is a controlling lunatic. Seriously. I'm not just one of these guys who goes around bashing the ex and exaggerating the situation. She's nuts. She wouldn't let me have any contact with my family for ten years, she belittled me on a daily basis, I wasn't allowed to have friends outside the church, and on and on. That marriage was the perfect example of how women actually can abuse men. Granted it was mostly mental abuse, but still. It didn't take her long to completely strip me of my sense of self worth - that's why I put up with it for so long.


New Member
We live in a world where time seems to fly faster than before. Decisions are made faster too, so that couples get married without really knowing more about each other and without deeper analysis of their feelings. The shaky foundation easily crumbles and result in more divorce.