Changing Diapers


New Member
For those of us that are fathers as of now, how did you deal with changing diapers? I mean, we all have probably done it at one point or another. I can't be the only one who has gagged over a poopy diaper before. Right? :eek:


New Member
I will never forget the very first time I changed my daughter's diaper. She was still in the hospital and she pooped all over my hand not once but twice and she went through three diapers before she was done. My wife thought it was hilarious.


New Member
I'm on diaper duty a lot, but I don't mind. The thing that I have a hard time coping with is vomit. My wife knows this and she knows that when our daughter reaches the age when she has on occasional illness that involves puke, I won't be able to help. I don't mind when babies spit up, but full out throwing up I can't handle.

No, Adam, you're not the only one who's gagged from time to time. My wife even gags when she's dealing with a nasty one. Sometimes it's just that bad, lol.


Staff member
I've had a few that I do not know how I changed them. For the most part though the wife changes the diapers. She prefers it that way.


New Member
We had to swap our daughter to soy milk due to a milk allergy and I didn't think it was possible but the smell actually got worse! Fortunately my wife takes care of most of them.