Chill out already...


New Member
Some people really need to learn to relax a little bit. My boss is younger than I am, and I am pretty sure he'll have a heart attack within the next year or two if he doesn't learn to relax. I understand that a lot of responsibilities come with being the boss, but being rude and sometimes just downright hateful is NOT the way to get the best out of your employees. Treating people poorly will just leave them with a bad taste in their mouth for you AND the job and will ultimately come back to bite you in the rear.


New Member
Inexperienced managers and supervisors often think it is their right to treat employees disrespectfully, but then they somehow expect to get respect from them. Makes no sense.


New Member
Seems to me a lot of bosses like to go on some kind of power trip and think they are all hot stuff. At my job, the managers come and go, but most of the employees get to stick around and get fired. I guess their job isn't so good when they work a few years and then get fired.


New Member
Amen to that! I work for a real winner too. He isn't always a jerk but he is a lot of the time. Most times he tries to push his clout in other departments and the managers just laugh at him. I wish he knew just how he is coming off to other people.


New Member
I have gotten to a point in my life where I will tolerate very little behavior like this from a boss or anyone else before I call them on it. There is just no need to treat anyone (employee, family, friend) with the level of disrespect many seem to show these days.


New Member
I am right there with you Thompson. All my patience goes towards raising my two kids so I have zero tolerance or patience for rudeness from an employer or anyone else. Bosses seem to think they are "special" and allowed to treat others like dirt...I disagree.


Staff member
We had a district manager would put work before everything. Cost him his marriage some say as he gotten divorced a few years after becoming DM. Well, he had a tendency to curse and belittle center managers and on road managers during their weekly calls. Finally enough people got tired of it, went above his head. In the end they tapped the phone in the office, on one of his rants. He is no longer with the company. It seems he lost a lot more then a job.


New Member
I understand being under stress and breaking down at times but of course it's never okay to treat other people with disrespect. I'm sorry that you have to deal with a boss like that.


New Member
I have never understood people who put work before everything else. No matter where you work or whether or not you are the boss it is still just a JOB. There is never an excuse to not treat people with respect either!


New Member
The way I see it, people who are bullies at work are only like that because they were bullied or pushed around in another area of their life. They use whatever power they can just because they can.


New Member
There is definitely some truth to that Jake. Some of the worst bosses I ever had turned out to have no say at home...still though that is a personal problem and does not belong at work. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect!