Cleaning Up the Mess


New Member
Who cleans up all the wrapping and ribbons after the presents are opened at your house? At mine, each one cleans up their own and we all take it to the trash after all the presents are open.


Staff member
*Waves* I usually sit with the bag and the wife hands me the trash after our daughter opens it. this year I have a feeling she is going to make our daughter hand me the trash.


New Member
My wife usually cleans it up. I tried to help one year and she didn't like that I was just scooping up huge armfuls of paper. She was afraid a small present or something might get caught up and thrown out by accident, so she took over. That works for me - more time to play with my new "toys" :)


New Member
My wife cleans up the paper and boxes and all that and then I take it out and burn it. It's better if she does it because she saves all the boxes and bows and tissue paper and she gets it all organized the way she wants it.


New Member
We are usually prepared with a couple of big garbage bags before the unwrapping chaos begins. That way we take care of the mess as it unfolds, or unwraps.


New Member
My wife cleans up all the mess, and puts all the trash in a bag I will usually take out. This year we plan to use less paper to wrap the gifts. Just trying to be greener.


New Member
I am the backboard. I sit with a garbage bag between my legs and the kids throw their wadded up paper at me LOL! I end up taking out the garbage later... although my son is getting old enough now.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy getting gifts... but I really have more fun sitting there watching the kids (and the missus) opening their stuff. I use the garbage bag as my excuse to be slow about opening my own gifts and getting to watch.

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New Member
I have a large yard trash bag when we get ready to open presents and everyone is responsible for cleaning up their own messes. If they don't, the toys get put up and they don't get to play with them until they do their "presents cleaning". I'm a former drill sargent. We run the house like it too.


New Member
I haven't had to resort to that yet. My Dad is still the paper cleaner in our family. I guess I'll be the "cleaner" for my little girl but I don't think she's going to get a bunch of stuff this year, at least from me. The court custody battle took a lot of my savings this year but I'm glad for the present I've already got-My little girl.:)


New Member
Cleaning up

I'm the dad of us two dads that cleans up. And I'm talking everything. From wrapping to the dishes after my gourmet husbear dirties every, single pot we own. I guess I don't mind doing it. The kids are in charge of their rooms and dishes in turns. Outside of that, it's pretty much all me. I don't mind it, especially for the younger kids. But once you're in HS, I feel that kids need to be ramping it up and helping more. Especially if they're not working.



New Member
My job is very clearly defined. I always empty the rubbish! My two tots like to stuff the wrapping paper in a big plastic bag and I take it outdoors to the bin, that's when they have finished playing with it of course!


New Member
At our home the wife and I both clean it up, at my parents house my mom does it, and at her parents house we all take care of our own.