Conquering or attracting?


New Member
Do you believe that the nature of a woman is to attract, while it is of a man is to conquer? I just read about it in a book and I think there is some truth to this.


New Member
I think that's a rather sexist thing to say, actually, because conquering implies women are to be dominated. I'll have to show this thread to my wife later to catch her reaction.


New Member
Well, you had better not to show it. :)

I agree with you that it is a bit sexist. Anyway, in the book it's stated that this nature is more visible in the animal world.


New Member
I showed her the thread; she just snorted in derision and went back to her book. I think even in the animal world it's a mutual attraction thing. Interestingly, it's often the males with the brighter plumage.


New Member
In general this is true. Women do expect by default from men to take action. There are capable women out there for anything but it's in their nature to let men do the work in this regard.


New Member
I think that there is a lot of truth to that Ifamily, and it is not about being sexist it is about fulfilling natural roles. Just because society and humans have evolved to some degree doesn't mean that those aren't still our natural tendencies.


New Member
I know how a lot of my female friends think (I'm not including teenage girls here because at that age a lot of this doesn't apply). They all want a decisive man. Or better said, they all DO NOT want an indecisive type of man.


New Member
I think it is funny that you mentioned "natural roles" because in nature a lot of the time the male is the caregiver and child rearer. Just take a look at penguins. The male sits on the egg until it hatches. It is in human nature to dominate those we feel are weaker. Some of the strongest people I know are females though so I can't agree with you Ifamily. Especially since I have a daughter and it sounds like the book is basically boiling women down to eye candy.


New Member
Do you believe that the nature of a woman is to attract, while it is of a man is to conquer? I just read about it in a book and I think there is some truth to this.
Yes, I think there might be some truth to this especially in the last two decades or so. But now, I believe that both women and men share these traits: that of attracting AND conquering. In this day and age, it doesn't matter who does the attracting or the conquering, whatever your gender, you can do both. That's how evolved we are already.


New Member
I think we are instinctively born this way. Rarely, it is the other way around. I agree we have evolved as well, though we are not entirely equal yet.


New Member
I know how a lot of my female friends think (I'm not including teenage girls here because at that age a lot of this doesn't apply). They all want a decisive man. Or better said, they all DO NOT want an indecisive type of man.
To be fair, indecisiveness is an annoying trait. I hate it when my wife is indecisive; I don't want to make all the decisions all the time. Fortunately, this is rare for her.


New Member
I would think that the woman does the attracting so that she can conquer.

Even in the animal world, the female tries to attract the alpha male so as to be ***ured of having the best off-springs with the best chance of survival. The male penguin stays home because it is the female who goes out to gather food. Among lions, the females hunt while the King just lols around but he gets first dibs on the captured prey. His job is to protect the pride.


New Member
Well, no, actually. It takes two to tango. In the wild, males of a species often go to great lengths to appease females. Many male insects and spiders will bring gifts of food to the female to win her approval. Some male monkeys and apes engage in complex mating rituals involving grooming and maybe even "dancing". Penguins will bring attractive pebbles to their desired mate. It's not so simple as; "I Tarzan, you Jane".


New Member
I think it definitely is. Nature has shown it time and time again that men will go out and conquer while women will be the nurturers.