cut family ties


New Member
I hate the idea of egging someone on in the family who is down the wrong path and not looking back. Someone very close to me is doing this time and time again and its just sick. I almost want to distance myself from her for it.


New Member
I guess it depends on what the path is. Drugs, alcohol, bad relationships? I had to cut ties with one of my sisters and an aunt because they were terrible back stabbers, but that was more of an issue of self preservation on my part. It's a tough thing to do, but you have to be careful with the toxicity that others can bring into your life.


New Member
Cutting family ties is a big decision. At the same time there are times when people make choices that harm everyone around them. I have had to sever family ties, for a little while, for things that went way across the line.


New Member
If you are in a position where you can be supportive of this family member then that's great, I'm sure she needs it but If she is just a drain on you and your family then it may be time to focus your attention elsewhere. I wouldn't say turn your back on her, you can always revisit the relationship at a later time.


New Member
Sometimes it is necessary to cut ties with somebody, even if they are a family member. Sometimes people are doing more harm than good and you have to watch out for those who need you the most.


New Member
I have a brother that is on that wrong path. He thinks everyone is wrong in our opinion of him, but he is 36 years old, has two children, has no job, and does drugs and drinks all the time. It's sad because he is very smart. He's an expert in the insurance business. He walked away from an 80k a year job, because he didn't want to work for anyone. He quit a business he started with 2 people who were the funding for the insurance company they started and quit, even though he was making 5 figures a month. He wanted full control of the company. So he is just a broke person with all the skill in the world and too stupid to live a normal life. It really upsets us, but it's his choice.


New Member
Any person who brings negativity in extreme cases into my life is nicely shown the door on how to leave it. There is no reason to let someone's negativity bother and interrupt your life, unless you let it.


New Member
Negativity is bad but I wouldn't just write the person out of my life. I would step up and try to make them a better person. If you try this and it does not work, then I would stay away from the person.


New Member
Can we blame it on constant stupidity and lack of growing up? Ed35 I would almost agree with you on that note but its been tried and true for several years by many friends and family.

Here is a quick breakdown as short as possible - which it wont be....6 kids by 5 different men, married 2x over but shacked up for many years. Last marriage (this one), the guy is a tool, the house is in his sisters name, they have blown through his early inheritance and are now over 85k in debt. Two oldest moved out ASAP to get away from her, another just turned 18 and is doing the same (but has a serious attitude issue since they think kids do not need rules), the last 3, the boy lives with his dad (who is just as bad as her, but at least he cares about his son) the last two that live with her are about 15 and 1. The one year old is by the new husband and neglected just like the rest. Neither her or he have jobs, and really do not care to have one, living off the tax payers like us. And did I mention they only contact "friends & family" if they need something? One more thing which I call the kicker, her youngest is less than 4 months older/younger than her great grandchild (which her oldest was blessed enough to give her).
