Cycling to school


New Member
Would you let your eight year old son cycle 2 miles to school on his own? My brother in law does this but I can't see me being happy to let my daughter do so when she is eight.
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New Member
I think that would depend on where I live, the number of kids who would be cycling or walking and other factors. At eight, though, probably not. I think two miles is a bit far and he's a bit too young.


New Member
In my opinion, 8 is too young and 2 miles is too far, especially if they are by themselves as opposed to a group of kids riding around together. Even if it's as simple as a flat tire, or falling down on the way, it could mean up to a mile walk to get back home or to school. Then there's all the other things that could happen....


New Member
I think it depends on what the route is like to the school. In our area, the route is through a quiet residential area and then there is a long path out in a wide open field area. I'd feel better about it if he rode with a couple of 12 year olds though.


New Member
No, I wouldn't be comfortable with that. I think 8 is too young and 2 miles is too far. Maybe when they're 10 and only if there are a bunch of kids going would I consider it.


New Member
No way! We live about 4 miles from the school, and it would be completely unsafe to cycle to school. They would have to cycle down a highway. That is NOT safe at all.


New Member
No, I wouldn't like the idea. I would be inclined to hop on my bike and bike to school with him, though. Once I dropped him off, I could fit in a workout and even bike to the store if necessary. I'm liking this idea!


New Member
I wouldn't feel comfortable letting an 8 year old do that. What if something were to happen to him? I think maybe at at 14 we could start thinking about it but not that early. That's just scary!