Daughter sick


New Member
My daughter is getting sick! We just got back from vacation and school starts next Monday! She has the sniffles and a sore throat! Poor kiddo…. I’m not sure if I should take her to the doctor’s or try to ride it out. My wife says we should take her tomorrow!


New Member
I don't know what part of the country you are from, but the end-of-summer allergy season has started with a vengeance here in the northeast. Even my dog is having an allergy flare up. I hope that is all it is for your little girl.


New Member
I am in the South and allergy season is going strong here too although it is very early for that here. I have had a headache for days from it. My daughter has a runny nose too. She said, "Daddy my nose sick...fix it"! Hope your little one gets to feeling better soon.