Dealing With Depression


New Member
How do you cope when you are feeling really depressed? I've been falling in and out of depression for the past few months because of family and financial issues. I used to see doctors (both family and a behavioral health specialist) but all they did was give me some anti-depressants and send me on my way.

Now I've been trying to exercise and meditate, which helped me a lot these past few years but it hasn't been working so well for me recently. I'm thinking that I may need to try something different to shake my brain up. Any tips on how you guys deal with it?


New Member
From what I understand, medication plus talk therapy is THE best way to deal with depression. If you have stopped your meds, you really should consider starting them up. You also may be sensitive to low light, so spending an hour outside each day can help too.


New Member
I think combining exercises and meditation will help a lot with your problem, so you have been on the right track. Do you self teach or do you attend meditation classes?


New Member
Is it possible that you are dealing with some boredom or that you are in a rut? Maybe a change of scenery or learning something new would help?


New Member
Thank you for the advice. I think being in an office all day exacerbates things and really punctuates my depression. I am making an effort to do different things and I will probably speak to a counselor at work to help me with this.


New Member
What about reading? I found that reading inspirational books would usually help a lot with cheering me up. Combined with meditation and exercises, I think it is something worth to try.