

New Member
I do have sugar diabetes and it's post-holiday time. I ate too much of everyone's good cooking. I've got to get it under control again. My sugar is way too high. Does anyone else have to deal with this?


New Member
I don't have diabetes but I really need to keep my sugar intake under control. I have a sweet tooth, and having a wife who can cook the most delicious carrot cake in the world doesn't help at all!


New Member
I think there are more people around who need to be concerned about sugar intake than who probably realize it. I include myself in this category.


New Member
Diabetes runs on both sides of our family. I don't have it, but as I get older, it's probably a real possibility. We try to keep our diets healthy, but it's difficult when we have to eat out so much. I also eat a lot of sweets.


New Member
Most of the people I know who are in the same boat as you tend to skip out on a good bit of the goodies for the holidays. Have you spoke with your doctor at all about this?


New Member
I've got diabetes, too. I have lost a lot of weight lately by cutting down on portion sizes. That's doing the trick for me. I'm also trying to cut out sweets, potatoes and flour. I think it's the white diet. Don't eat anything white. It's helping.