Did you make cookies for your school?


New Member
The kids and I spent the evening last night making cookies for them to take to their Halloween party at school. It was a pretty scary but amazing experience! Did you get to make cookies with your kids?


New Member
You definitely one-upped me, there. I just bought cupcakes from Costco for them to bring to school. I probably would have burned the cookies and had to go that route anyway!


New Member
We can't take in any home made goodies at our school, they all have to be store bought or wrapped. I guess there are a lot of allergy problems (peanuts). So nope we didn't take any cookies in. I bet the kids had a ball making them with you though!


New Member
No cookies, but I did put together some treat bags. We put in a pencil, some mini playing cards, some pretzels, mini cookies and a couple mini-candies. We try not to put alot of candy as all the kids will be bringing in treats.