Disciplining in Public


New Member
How do you feel about disciplining in public? Do you think it is out of line to disipline children in public spaces?


New Member
What type of discipline? Do you think I would a child throw a fit in the store? Or toss food at a restaurant? No way! I would take the kid out of the situation and then discipline them. Kids are usually just looking for attention, I wouldn't yell or spank my child in public. I would remove them and then scold them.


New Member
I usually just take my little one out now and let him calm down. We go to the van and sit until he has finished his little fit. Then I explain what the consequences are going to be (even though he is 2) and then we wait for my wife in the van until we can go home and he gets put in the naughty chair.


New Member
What I do is remove my child from the store and then take care of things in the car. I'd never spank my kid in public because some nutcase would probably call the cops on me.

Papa Bear

New Member
I don't "discipline" my child in public. Like the others, I take him somewhere quiet and wait for him to calm down, then I talk it out with him.


New Member
I will speak to them harsh in when are in public. I want them to know it is not okay to do what they are. I also want them to know I am not afraid to discipline them in public.


New Member
Most children know they can get away with just about anything in public. The situation can only be dealt with in private. Depending on the child's age and severity of the fit, that can range between a good talking to, a skipped treat or a trip to the men's or ladies' room. For really bad fits or kids old enough to know better, a good pinch works wonders. Pinching can take place in public and gets rid of the notion that you are helpless.


New Member
I read somewhere, maybe on another thread in this forum, that if they are in a restaurant and his child throws a fit he simply takes the child out of the restaurant and throws the food and any toy that the child got in the trash. That seemed like a good way to handle it to me. It wouldn't work as well if you were in a grocery store or other type of store to just leave, though.