Disposable or Reusable Diapers?


New Member
I'd like to try using reusable cloth diapers. I don't see a big deal with washing them every day and using them again. Disposable diapers take up so much of the budget. What could that money be used for instead? What kind of diapers do you use?


New Member
We used disposable. You're really going to need the time to sleep instead of doing wash and you'll be surprised at how many you go through. Reuseables need to be changed so much more often too.


New Member
If the time comes to use reusable diapers that we will use them. In the meantime I don't see the point of spending the time and electricity to do so.


New Member
We used disposable. You're really going to need the time to sleep instead of doing wash and you'll be surprised at how many you go through. Reuseables need to be changed so much more often too.
We use cloth diapers and it's much easier than I expected. We wash every other day while we're awake (so no sleep is lost) and change every 2 hours, unless there is poop before then. It's really no big deal and I love not having to constantly buy diapers.


New Member
Victor, about how many of these reusable cloth diapers would you say you have? If you wash every other day and change every two hours, I estimate it to be around fifty. Maybe seventy if you keep a lot of spares.


New Member
We use disposable, we find that with 2 young children it isn't really convenient to be washing extra things when we have enough to do with everyday clothes.


New Member
W tried cloth diapers and it just created a ton of laundry. We dint have the time to be washing all that so disposables made more since for us.


New Member
The disposables are HUGE waste of money I'll give you that. My wife really wanted to use re-usable cloth diapers when our second child was born, but there is a pretty large initial investment there. with our first we didn't have a washing machine so that wouldn't have worked two well.


New Member
My wife tried to use the reusable one for our first born. I really don't know what happened because our baby had develop some rashes. Her pediatrician says its because of the reusable diaper, or the way it is being washed, etc.etc. From that indecent, we never use reusable diapers for all our kids. Though it took a huge amount of money spend on this stuff alone.


New Member
We use disposable, I have never really considered trying reusable diapers. Cleaning and reusing the diapers is not something which appeals to me. I would rather spend the extra money per year on disposable diapers.