Do you go to bed at the same time as your spouse?


New Member
My wife's friend told her that she and her husband go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning and now she wants us to do that. Personally, I don't like the idea. What do you think? Do you guys do that?


Staff member
If that is what they wish to do, then so be it. It does not work for me or my wife though.


New Member
No we do not. If it works for some that is great, for them but I know it does not work in this house. One of us is always a night hawk wrapping up some stuff and the other goes to be when they are tired.


New Member
My wife and I usually go to bed at the same time now that we are older and the kids are grown. Why is someone telling you when you and your wife should go to bed?


New Member
It's great but it doesn't work for every couple, and it doesn't work for us. The wife usually goes to bed and wakes up first. It's not a good habit but I cannot fall asleep before midnight.


New Member
My wife and I go to bed at the same time a couple of times a week. But there are always things that should come up. I think a person should go to bed when they want to, not when someone else wants to.


New Member
Who has time to be synchronizing their watches for bedtime? Yes, we do it sometimes but it’s not a purposed event. I personally like to work late at night (hence the time of this post) so should my spouse have to stay up until I’m done? That’s a little too crazy for me.


New Member
I agree, take the previous posters example. To go to bed at the same time either one would have to wait up or the other would have to skip working. In the end that could cause resentment. It can not be up to one person to dictate bedtime, we are adults now.


New Member
We do not either as we are totally opposite in our sleeping habits. She is an early bird while I am a night owl. So, she usually goes to bed first.