Do you have chores around the house?


New Member
Id like to know what kind of household workload you have on a weekly basis. Some days I wonder what my wife actually does all day at home. I know she takes care of the kids and its a full time job but dang. I feel like my chore list has quadrupled since she became a stay at home mom.


New Member
My chores are mostly related to gardening. DIY and some cooking although my wife does almost all of the cooking, and all of the cleaning. I do only a small portion of the chores but I am at work part of the week so it's practical this way.


New Member
We live in an apartment which is why we have less chores than people with houses, but man are they annoying and often needed. My wife is awesome for organization but still, a lot of work to be done on a weekly basis.


New Member
I do the chores that my wife is not good at which includes detailed cleaning in the kitchen and bathrooms. I don't think she ever had to do these things when she was growing up . . . so here we are. She folds laundry and does organizational tasks that I have no interest in doing. She tells me that our son can wear her out during the day, and she also has a few very minor health problems. Yes, there are times when she is being lazy as well. Our house doesn't get too out of control, so when guests come over it doesn't take too much work to get the place presentable.


New Member
Once my parents put all five of us on a program where whoever does the best job of chores for the month gets a prize.

If I remember correctly, they kept track of everything on a board. We all got stars for everything we accomplished.

I know I won at least once while this was going on which I believe was probably four or five months.


New Member
I am alone widower and though I have a daughter in law in the house, some of the bank work I have to do myself. Keeping house in smooth running is the biggest chores.


New Member
Yes... i'm doing it with my wife together... But i didn't do it everyday since my work kept me busy. I think i'm doing it every saturday and sunday. My wife never told me to do anything but i just can't sit down while she's doing all the chores in front of me(especially when i got nothing to do). How about you? Are you having some maid/helpers to do those chores?


New Member
I do most of the yard work. I also unload the dishwasher and I hand wash the pots and pans because the wife does most of the cooking. I also get stuck with trash take-out duty, which is my least favorite chore.


New Member
My wife is a homemaker, too. She does about 80% of the housework and our girls do about 15% of it. That leaves me with 5% of it, but I pick up more when I see my wife has her hands full with extra things like party planning and taking her parents to doctor's appointments. She also takes care of paying the bills, handling her aging parents finances and taking them to appointments, gardening, grocery shopping, taking car of our 4 pets, washing the clothes and such. She works very hard at all this and unlike a lot of husbands I know, I give her plently of compliments about it.

I do insist on mowing the lawns, even though she says she can do it. I just like the way it comes out when I do it, and she tends to agree. I also love to BBQ and cook. I'm better at it and, since I love it, I do most of the cooking.


New Member
My wife has been a homemaker since our kids were born, but she also works from home. Taking care of kids all day by yourself is more than a full-time job, and I have gotten a really good taste of it since I was laid off. Since I have been home I try to help out around the house as much as possible because I know she has a lot on her plate too.


New Member
We both work at home, so we just do what needs to be done as it comes up. I don't think it's smart to divide up the work, I think it's better if we both do the dishes, for example.

If I notice there are a few dishes piling up, I'll do them. She does the same, if she notices before me. It's not a bad system, as long as you both work together. As long as you aren't waiting for the other person to figure out there is a pile of dishes, so that they'll do it instead, everything is good!


New Member
I do chores throughout the week. I scrub the sink, I go around the house with a vacuum cleaner a few times per week, I clean the kitchen floor with a mop 1-2 times per week and I dust once per week. I like to be organised and tidy so it isn't a problem for me.


New Member
Hehehe..That is ironic. Your chores quadrupled since she became a stay at home mom? As for me I believe in sharing my friend! We allocate roles including household chores depending on the free time person has! Have you complaint to her about this? Just Curious!