Do you like to read?


New Member
Do you like to read? If so what kind of books do you like? I am a Stephen King fanatic and my goal is to eventually read all of the books he has written.


New Member
I love to read! I read almost every night. I'm a James Patterson fan and I also like Westerns from time to time. I read a lot of Stephen King when I was younger. I watched the movies too so I'm over him already.


New Member
I love to read. I always have at least one book going. I love Stephen King, James Patterson, and Dean Koontz. If you haven't read Dean Koontz before start with The Taking or Watchers. They are sooo good.


New Member
I'm a huge fan of Westerns, especially Zane Grey. Also, I love sci-fi and I can't number just one writer, although Stephen King is definitely one of my favorites.


New Member
I am not too into book reading but I will break out a magazine every now and then if its on a subject I like to read up on. I guess I do most of my reading online now.


Staff member
I like to read, but lately haven't had the time. I mostly am reading stuff lately on things like growing veggies, information on Florida lawns, household projects, and other informational books.


New Member
I haven't had a lot of free time lately but I love to read when I get the chance. Stephen King is awesome, James Patterson, and Dean Koontz are some of my other favorites.


New Member
I love to read but like some of the others I don't usually have time for much reading these days. You guys seem to like most of my favorite authors too!