Dying father creates memory book for young daughter


Staff member
SALT LAKE CITY (KSL) – A young Utah father is facing the reality that his one-year-old daughter will grow up without him. He’s fighting A-L-S and working hard to create memories that will fill the gaps after he’s gone.

In 2010, doctors diagnosed Ben Thomas with ALS. The disease attacked his limbs and affected his speech.

“Maybe my legs don’t work, but I can make my daughter laugh, you know,” Thomas said.

Ninety percent of patients will live only three to five years after being diagnosed. But he is not letting that dampen his spirits.

more Dying father creates memory book for young daughter | WTVR.com


New Member
How incredibly sad! I actually work with a wonderful lady who was just diagnosed with ALS. It's been 4 months and I can't believe how much she has already changed. I can't even imagine.


New Member
This breaks my heart, but oh, what a spirit that guy has. He at least has something to live for while he's dying. What better thing to work on than a memory book for his daughter? How he does it, I don't know.


New Member
That is horribly sad. I am glad that he is thinking ahead to when he won't be there and making something for his daughter to remember him by. I had a buddy who was diagnosed straight out of high school and barely made it to age 23.


New Member
This brought tears to my eyes. If this were to happen to me, I'd do the same thing. Hopefully, his daughter will find joy in what her father has created. What a gift of love.


New Member
I ran into the husband of a friend who died three years ago. They had lost their daughter several years earlier who had an eight-year-old daughter. The husband has spent the last few years working on a memory album so his granddaughter can know both her mother and her grandmother. He calls it therapy. I call it so incredibly sad, but heartwarming.

R. Paradon

New Member
It is very sad when a young person is hit with a deadly disease. I do not know Mr. Thomas but I sure salute the man not only for his spirit but to leave a loving book for his daughter. That book will have more value to her than anything in her life.


New Member
This is heartbreaking, I had a lump in my throat reading it. The idea is amazing, his daughter may not get to grow up with him but hopefully she'll never forget him.


New Member
This story is sad yet inspiring at the same time. I'm sure the daughter will treasure such a book forever, it will be a true gift from the heart.


New Member
How horrible for him! I'm glad he is making memories for her though. That's one of the only things they will have when he's gone. I don't know if I could do that or not. It would be very hard to do.

Victor Leigh

New Member
It's sad to know that he will be going so soon. At the same time it's inspiring to know that he's not just going to lie down and die. He does have the advantage of getting advance notice of his pending demise. There are some who are taken away abruptly without even being able to say a last goodbye to their children.