Easter at the beach


New Member
:D We are taking our kids to the beach for Easter and Spring break. We have not told them where we are going yet, just that we won't be home. I can't wait! I'm so glad that my boss gave me the time off.

What are you doing for Easter and spring break?


New Member
That sounds great! We don't have any specific plans for Easter or anything so we'll probably just hang at home. We took the girls to the zoo recently anyway.


New Member
I love going to the Zoo. It's been a while since we have gone to the zoo. We try to go to the beach each year at least once a year. The kids love it and it's very relaxing for my wife and I too.


New Member
Your kids are going to love a beach surprise. I just plan on eating lunch and letting the kids hunt eggs at my grandma's house. Everyone always gets together at my grandma's house on Easter.


New Member
We've gone to the beach every Easter for as long as our grandchildren have been old enough to say "beach." We go immediately after church on Sunday so we don't miss Easter services.