Embarrassing Bodies Show?


New Member
I can't remember the exact name on the show that has been going on TLC where people visit specialists and ask for advice? While it is very educational show I'm not sure if it's appropriate to show detailed examination of patients which you can imagine how sometimes may look.


New Member
I think all these television shows are way too graphic. I've stopped watching shows like CSI, Bones and any show that shows graphic parts of human bodies. I hate those shows that show operations, blood and babies being born. There is no reason other than shock value to air some of that stuff. We are being desensitized. I say, "Enough!"


New Member
If the patient is okay with their body being shown, then I'm okay with it, because I think our society has become entirely too uncomfortable with nudity, bodily functions, etc. I'm not saying everyone should walk around naked or that babies should be born at the city park, but I don't understand why everyone is so uncomfortable with the human body and natural functions and processes of the human body.

Victor Leigh

New Member
I still remember the very first time a movie of childbirth was screened in the very small town where I grew up. All the male adults I knew suddenly seemed to have become monks for a while.


New Member
I have burned the memory of labor from my brain. That is one thing nobody should have to see. I am fine watching most things, but I think kids should not see all the gore and body parts that are rampant in TV shows now.


New Member
I think the ratings need to be better adjusted, I have seen a few things that have zero ratings on them and I know very well that they should have "something". Kids should not watch that stuff and honestly, some parents should not either.


New Member
I've never seen this and I don't think I would want to. I don't watch much on TLC though. I wouldn't be going to any doctor that was going to air on TV my problem.


New Member
I think all these television shows are way too graphic. I've stopped watching shows like CSI, Bones and any show that shows graphic parts of human bodies. I hate those shows that show operations, blood and babies being born. There is no reason other than shock value to air some of that stuff. We are being desensitized. I say, "Enough!"
Excellent point! I can't agree more. People are used to everything and I can't imagine what consequences this might have in the future, especially on our kids.