embarrassing kids, too much?


New Member
Did anyone see the picture the guy took of his kid and put it up online for everyone to see his son being embarrassed by standing on a street corner with a sign? The picture speaks for itself. I am just wondering how many parents do this that we never really hear about? I think there is a difference between punishment and something like this. Like its over the top. Is it going to have any long term effects on the child?


New Member
How can it not affect the poor kid, not to mention his long term relationship with the father? If nothing else he'll never forget the fact that he was humiliated by his own father.


New Member
It's sick if you ask me. Parents like that should get counseling and then some. I would never do this to my children. If you are displeased with your kids, you deal with it. You don't embarrass them!


New Member
I'd have to be pretty desperate to take this approach, since I really disagree with it. I think all it will do is make your kid resent you for the humiliation.


New Member
Punishing your kids is one thing, humiliating them in public is a graver offense. Doing this not only fuels more bad behavior from your child (because who wants to be embarrassed, right?) but it is also an experience that you as a parent, cannot undo, no matter what.


New Member
Well, I haven't seen the photo you're talking about, but I can't think of anything a kid could do to require humiliation as a form of discipline. What is there to be learned from humiliation? It's degrading and, in my opinion, abusive.


New Member
For me it reminds me of the days of a dunce cap and I hated seeing those, on anyone I knew. There is a ton out there on the web about parents doing this and I am not sure if its for shock value or what, but I am not pleased with it. I have been thinking it over for a while now and at first it was kind of tolerable but down right its just mean.


New Member
I think it is an interesting punishment. There is a judge down in Texas, I forgot his name, but he'd make people do the same thing. The kid himself even said he deserved that punishment and thought it was good and showed him how to be responsible for his actions.


New Member
The child will grow up having a resentment toward his father. Lord knows how that will manifest in his daily life. I don't get how public embarrassment is supposed to help anyone learn anything. You can cause someone to become fearful that way. Everyone already knows and understands fear at an early age. Maybe the guy cared more about getting attention for himself, than about discipline.

Victor Leigh

New Member
I think that father should be tarred and feathered. Plus have the whole process videotaped and put on youtube. Children have fragile self-esteem. What that man did must have scarred his son for life.


New Member
I remember how my parents embarrassed me a few times when I was very young. It's wasn't on purpose but I remember those moments as something very painful in my life.


New Member
Disciplining the kids shouldn't be done in public. The kids should always be protected in all respect-physically, emotionally, spiritually.