Extracurricular Limits


New Member
If your son and daughter has many interests when it comes to after-school activities, do you set a cap on how many that they can take up at one time? If so, what is it, and it is more due to budget, or because you don't want them to overwhelm themselves?


New Member
We pretty much let them decide what and how many they will do (school activities). If their grades drop or their attitudes change, then they have to give them up. So far it's worked for us.


New Member
I think so, too. As long as the grades can be kept up, they can do whatever they like. Who am I to say what they can and can't keep up with. That is, as long as grades and chores are good.

I think the more they do, the better. It makes them work even harder...


New Member
My kids aren't old enough for this stuff yet, but I can tell you for sure that the financial aspect of it would put a limit on how much they could participate in. I am all for kids exploring things, but I am not going to have them in five or six different activities when we can maybe afford one or two. I also think that some time should be reserved to do things together as a family instead of running here and there all of the time.


New Member
A few things to keep in mind with this situation...and these are not in any particular order:

1. Money...sure the kids want to do a million things but can I afford hockey, equestrian, photography, etc at the same time? Probably not.

2. Grades...you want to have fun you need to make sure you don't sacrifice more important things.

3. Attitude...do you think I owe it to you to let you participate and be ungrateful or do you understand that this is something to help you?

4. Time...I like that you want to branch out and find your passion but we have to work and deal with other grown up things. Sometimes I can't be driving 100 miles away for a game or event.