Facebook Closing?


New Member
Is this really true? I heard about it a few days ago. Apparently the owner of facebook announced the news recently. He said that facebook is somewhere in March?


New Member
Seriously? I did not hear about that and I wonder why they would be closing it, it's huge. My daughter will be so angry! I just let her get a page a couple of weeks ago. I love staying in contact with family in other states through facebook.


New Member
That would really be dumb on the part of the owner. The value of Facebook is huge, of course I read what the value is a few days ago and I'm thinking it was a billion. Why would the owner close it when he can sell it for that kind of money?


Staff member
Well they are working on an IPO still. Although the IPO is sort of shady they way they are doing it. I doubt they would close when they are valued between 10-50 million.


New Member
I had not heard this news. It wouldn't affect me very much...I am barely ever on that site anyway. However, if it did just close suddenly, where would everyone go? What would be the next big social networking site?


New Member
The owner said that he wants his old life back and that he hates his present job, which apparently destroyed what's left of him. He said that closing facebook for other people should not be that big of a deal.


New Member
Nah, they wouldn't do that with it making that much money for them. If he wants to get out, he can just sell the whole mess and live off of the interest for the rest of his life.


New Member
I don't thing this is true at all. From what I remember hearing, Google just tried to buy Facebook and they rejected the offer. If they really wanted an out, they had a chance to walk away right there and didn't take it.


New Member
This sort of rumour does the rounds every so often. A while ago there was a rumour that they were going to charge a monthly fee to use it. Someone usually starts a Facebook page in protest and that's how it proliferates.


New Member
I'm not on Facebook much, but I couldn't imagine them closing it instead of selling it. I don't see as it would be that big of a deal if they did close it, though. People would just move to another site.


New Member
Well, it would be nice for a change to see the owner of such big company walking away from it. Also I don't like how fast Google is expanding. A single corporate entity growing that big is not good news for anyone except for them.


New Member
I'm not at all surprised if this will close. But close could be another word for sell. I don't think that a very famous and busy website will just shut down with no just cause. If Mark wants to go back to his old life then sell it to someone else. I'm sure a lot of investors would like to buy it. Maybe Google might even buy it.