Fantasy football


New Member
Does anyone here play fantasy football? I had an opportunity recently to join a fantasy team, but I didn't do it because, to be honest, I have no idea how it works. Is it hard to do?


New Member
I play fantasy football. It is not hard to do, but I have never played in a paying league...that seems a little too advanced to me.

Depending on where the league is hosted (Yahoo, ESPN,, it can be quite easy and it's a lot of fun! There are a bunch of good tutorials available to get you started in no time.


New Member
Nope, I don't play. I don't have the time! It's way too time consuming if you ask me. You have to know all the players in the league and their stats. You pick a team and the players aren't from 1 team (offense) and then you pick a teams defense. Just not something I want to devote my time to.


New Member
I love football, so I enjoy playing fantasy football. In my league you don't pick a defensive line, you pick a team. This year my Defensive line is Philly (which I'm not super crazy about). I don't spend any more time on fantasy football than other guys spend on things they enjoy like golf, classic cars, gaming, or even TV watching. Everyone has a little free time...if you don't have a little free time, you should find some because how can you take care of everyone else if you don't take care of you, too? That's advice I would give to any Mom, and it holds true for any Dad as well.