Favorite Spice?


New Member
We literally drown in cinnamon when preparing sweat foods. To me it's one of the best spices that can go with almost anything. What's your favorite?


New Member
Garlic. I would die quickly as a vampire but I love garlic in just about anything I can slip it into. The next would have to be either a nice season salt (in moderation) or paprika.


New Member
I hear you on that one. When I come to think of it I guess garlic would be my non-sweet most favorite spice of all time. And yeah it goes well with everything.


New Member
Garlic is mine too and then lemon pepper seasoning. I use both of them with almost every meal (minus breakfast). I do love cinnamon at breakfast time on toast. We actually have a mixture of cinnamon and sugar that we sprinkle on toast.


New Member
I guess its a nice flavor then after all and here I thought I was the odd one out. We have some crazy store brand chicken flavoring for the grill but I have no idea whats in it. I only know its awesome and would be my 2nd choice.


New Member
Garlic too. We put garlic in everything. It is a staple in anything I make. I also have some rub that I bought at a local market. This stuff is amazing, I wish I knew what was in it.


New Member
I guess we should start a garlic club. Our family loves garlic. There was a time when I had to stop eating so much because I was starting to sweat it, and it wasn't nice. The problem with me was that I like it raw most of all. A second spice that is actually a very aromatic herb is cilantro. It just part of my favorite food, Mexican.


New Member
When I prepare and eat a meal, I like it hot and spicy. So always put either ginger, pepper or chilly pepper in it. Oh, my other favorite is salt. :)