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New Member
I went to my fathers tonight to build a shelf for my son to put toys in it. When I got home the wife informed me that he had a freak out session thinking I wasn't going to come home. He started crying and carrying on that he wanted me home and couldn't believe that I was not home to tuck him in bed. I felt really bad for her to have to deal with this alone. I told her next time just call me and I will say goodnight over the phone to him. Would that have helped?


New Member
I think that it would have helped. If we tell kids nothing then they will make it up on their own and sometimes their fears will get the best of them. I think a nice goodnight call would have been great.


New Member
I will not make the same mistake again. I just didn't think that at almost 5 years old he would do this. I also have to remember I am home every night to tuck him in, so for me not to be home probably did scare him.


New Member
Yeah, it is scary to kids. I remember when I was a young boy when my mother had to be in the hospital for a procedure. I was scared silly and I still remember going down to the big city to visit her there. I am a Dad now and I think of those things.