Fencing in the yard


New Member
I have been waiting all summer to fence in our yard, and now that we finally got some rain and cooler weather I guess it's time. I have all the stuff I just don't want to dig the holes!


New Member
I would go to an equipment rental place and rent an auger. It'll make your life so much easier and the job will go much faster. You can probably get one for the whole weekend for a pretty reasonable price.


New Member
Yuck! I remember that job! I fenced in our whole back yard when we moved here and it took the whole weekend. I saved myself about two thousand dollars, so that was a good thing. I started digging holes by hand, but quickly dropped that idea and rented the auger from our local hardware store. Saved my back.


New Member
Digging the holes is the worst part. I have been working on our face all summer. I just dig a hole here and there. Our fence is halfway up. It won't be finished until sometimes next year at this rate.


Staff member
Make sure you call up and get the county to come mark the lines. Here if you call up and they come out and mark your power, water, cable, phone, etc.. lines. If you then hit a line that was not marked you are not responsible. It can save you a big headache.