Fight depression with aspirin


New Member
Depression is the direct result of excess level of homocysteine, an acid in the blood that affects the heart attacks and strokes when the level is high in elderly people who feel loneliness.
Taking an aspirin a day could help in this regard because it drains the homocysteine drastically very fast.


New Member
I never knew about this! What about those who are allergic to Aspirin?
What alternative and cheap drug would suggest in that case?
Anyway thanks for this wonderful information, It might just be the help some friends of mine needed.


New Member
I did not know this either. I thought the doctors always said to take a baby aspirin a day to help with blood clots. I don't take any medicines unless I'm sick. I don't at what age you should start.


New Member
Hmmmm. I've never heard that, but it would be easy enough to try. The doctor recommends a baby aspirin a day, I don't see why a regular aspirin a day would hurt. I may try this one out.


New Member
I know aspirin has many health benefits but this seems like a stretch and I would have to see some hard research on the subject. Depression is a lot more than just levels of acid in the blood so I can't see the correlation.