Fight for custody


New Member
So you are divorcing, that is fine. But at least try to fight for custody of the children. A friend of mine is divorcing and it seems that neither he nor his wife wants the kid (a seven year old boy). :mad:


New Member
It might be best for the child if custody were given to a grandparent then. Who wants to be 7 years old and know you're not wanted. Very sad.


New Member
That's very sad. If neither wants custody of the child hopefully there is a responsible adult who will stand up for that little boy. It is such a sad situation and you just know that the little boy feels that he is unwanted.


New Member
I know some parents that would love to be about to fight for their kids but sometimes life takes funny turns. I know someone who at the time was shuffled by the ex of hers (and his mother) who took what happened in her life (unforeseen accident) and used it against her when the time came for court. Things happen for a reason but a child should never been given up on, neither deserve to be a parent after something like that.


New Member
Wow, I can't imagine not wanting to take responsibility for an innocent child that you brought into the world. That is so low.


New Member
Many parents should never be parents in the first place. Anyone read the thing Forbes listed this week about the parents who were caught using Facebook to spy on each other?


New Member
So you are divorcing, that is fine. But at least try to fight for custody of the children. A friend of mine is divorcing and it seems that neither he nor his wife wants the kid (a seven year old boy). :mad:
Not that it should matter, but does the child have special needs or anger trouble?

The parents might be fighting emotionally with the idea that the child might be better with the other parent. There's so much that happens in a divorce.


New Member
It could be that both parents see themselves regaining their "freedom" and do not want to be tethered to a 7 year old.

It is sad, but they both sound selfish, and that is very unfortunate for the child.