Finances and Traditional Gender Roles


New Member
In my family growing up, my father made the money and my mother spent it. (Not a joke and not being condescending towards my mother.) My mom was a housewife who made no money herself, but paid all the bills for the family and did all the grocery shopping (with the money my father made). Times have changed, though, and my wife and I are struggling to define and agree upon our individual financial responsibilities.

How do you handle money in your household?


New Member
It seems today that women are actually looked down upon in some households if they would rather stay at home and take care of the house, kids, errands, etc.

I think finances are best handled on a case by case basis. You should do what's best for your family and not feel pressure to manage things a certain way if that way will make people unhappy.


New Member
Both my wife and I work. She generally looks after paying the bills, and I have to confess I'd rather leave this day to day stuff up to her because I can be somewhat of a spendthrift. I think that the most fiscally responsible person should be the one in charge because they are better at making the tough decisions.


New Member
In today's world it simply does not matter. You do what you have to to get by and support your family. Right now my wife is going back to school after a job loss. We're living on my income and her savings. She finishes in a year and the income should be back to normal. I'm glad we have each other and know she could support herself if something happened to me.


New Member
We are a traditional family I guess. My wife stays home and looks after the kids, house, pets, and money. It would actually cost us money for her to go to work when you have to pay for childcare. We do go buy groceries together though...two kids three and under in the grocery store alone is a bit much! :)


New Member
We do go buy groceries together though...two kids three and under in the grocery store alone is a bit much! :)
That is no joke. I wear the baby and try to herd the toddler in the direction I want to go, but grocery shopping alone can be stressful!

I generally handle the bills and finances, since I have more time than my wife does. We talk a lot so she knows what's going on.